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We are your IT-Department and make it

We are your IT department and make you

If you don't have an IT department, are dissatisfied with your current IT manager, or have an urgent IT emergency, then you've come to the right place.

Great companies rely on MDSYSTEC®

These customers trust us

About 200+ companies worldwide have already entrusted us with their IT.
What we do for you

Your perfect IT department can...

... Guarantee 24/7 support. Anytime, anywhere.

... keep IT costs low.

... Find problems before they arise.

... ensure maximum security on German servers.

... implement everything digitally in the cloud and enable me to work remotely.

... keep track of access data, software and hardware.

... introduce automated digital processes using AI.

... Carry out employee onboarding/offboarding smoothly.

... Conduct IT training courses in a simple and understandable way.

... highest data protection standards
guarantee and implement.

... talk to me without technical terms.

... report proactively and ensure a high level of transparency.

A team full of professionals, ready to go
Your IT in the best hands
IT problems solved quickly
We work for companies of all sizes and grow with them

The right service for every budget

Our solutions grow with your business

Expanded IT Support

With our comprehensive IT support and help desk services, we help your start-up concentrate on its core business.

network infrastructure

We plan, implement, and maintain your network architecture to meet growing needs.

Virtualization and server management

We support the virtualization of workstations and servers. We help you manage resources efficiently.

IT security and compliance

We offer comprehensive cybersecurity solutions so that you not only comply with legal requirements, but are always perfectly protected.

IT support

We offer you perfect IT support for all important areas of hardware, software and cloud to ensure daily operation.

Cloud Services

We bring your company to the cloud and ensure a cost-effective and scalable IT infrastructure.


We protect your data and network from unauthorized access. With the latest technologies, whether remotely or in the office. Our solutions ensure safety everywhere.

data backups

Backups ensure that important data can be backed up and restored in an emergency.

Global IT outsourcing

We assume full responsibility for a company's IT infrastructure and all IT services. Across countries and time zones.

high-availability solutions

We guarantee continuous operational readiness and minimize downtime. Around the clock, in any environment. So that your business always runs.

Big data and data analytics

We provide comprehensive data analysis and processing to provide you with clear and actionable insights. Profound, precise and targeted.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

We support you in implementing, expanding and maintaining ERP systems in your company.

Managed Services

Entdecken Sie die Zukunft Ihrer IT

Steigern Sie Ihre betriebliche Effizienz und lassen Sie Ihr Team auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren. Unsere Managed Services bieten innovative Lösungen, die genau auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Erleben Sie, wie unbeschwert IT sein kann und widmen Sie sich voll und ganz Ihrem Kerngeschäft.

Effiziente Kommunikation

Moderner Arbeitsplatz

Infrastructure as a Service

Sicherheit & Schutz

Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Managed Services →

Cyber Security

Ihr Schutzschild gegen Cyberangriffe

Sicherheit im digitalen Raum ist essentiell, um Ihr Unternehmen voranzubringen. Unsere Cyber Security-Lösungen bieten robusten Schutz für Ihre Daten und IT-Infrastruktur, damit Sie sich auf Ihr Geschäft konzentrieren können. Setzen Sie auf unsere Expertise, um Ihr Netzwerk sicher und geschützt zu halten.

Echtzeit Monitoring


Compliance & Regularien

Next-Generation Firewall

Mehr zu unseren Cyber Security-Lösungen erfahren →

IT Consulting

IT-Strategie mit Expertenwissen

In einer schnelllebigen technologischen Welt ist eine kluge IT-Strategie entscheidend. Unsere Beratungsdienste bieten Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und tiefgehende Expertise, um Ihre IT-Prozesse zu optimieren und Ihre Geschäftsziele zu erreichen. Setzen Sie auf unsere Beratung, um technologische Herausforderungen zu meistern.





Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere IT-Consulting →

Cloud Service

Das volle Potenzial der Cloud

Steigern Sie Effizienz und Flexibilität mit unseren Cloud-Services. Wir bieten Ihnen sichere, skalierbare und maßgeschneiderte Cloud-Lösungen, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse Ihres Unternehmens zugeschnitten sind. Nutzen Sie unsere Expertise, um Ihre Daten und Anwendungen nahtlos in die Cloud zu integrieren.





Mehr über unsere Cloud Services erfahren →
Kostenlose Analyse holen:
Wir überprüfen Ihre IT-Security

Fundierte Analyse mit Auswertung

Handlungsempfehlung & Beratung

Security-Check vereinbaren
 100%  kostenfreier Security Check

Jetzt kostenfrei anmelden und wir überprüfen Ihr Sicherheitskonzept.

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“IT department? I don't want anything to do with it, it just has to work!”

“I want to focus on my core business and not constantly think about IT. With MDSYSTEC I've achieved just that!

“IT issues? It's not my topic. Everything runs smoothly with MDSYSTEC!”

Our latest guide

Die 25-Punkte-Checkliste für Ihre IT

Find employees? How to attract skilled workers with Digital Employee Experience.

40 pages about DEX

Find and retain employees

Written by MDSYSTEC's IT experts

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Three steps to your IT department


Get in touch and clarify requirements

Free and non-binding initial consultation to understand your IT requirements and goals.

Develop an individual plan

Together, we develop a tailor-made IT strategy for your company.

Implementation and integration

Quick and smooth integration of MDSYSTEC as an external IT department into your company.

Get non-binding advice about an external IT department.
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Johannes Meier, Michael Frohn, Florian Müller, Norbert Thomsen
and 100 other managing directors entrust MDSYSTEC with their IT

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Unsere Partner

Diese Partnerschaften ermöglichen es uns, erstklassige und innovative IT-Services liefern, die auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse jedes Kunden zugeschnitten sind. Unser Ziel ist es, durch den Einsatz der besten verfügbaren Technologie eine optimale Performance, Sicherheit und Effizienz zu gewährleisten.

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So that you are always up to date in IT

On our social media channels, you will find news about current topics from our company and related to IT.

Sustainability at heart

We're making our planet greener

100% CO2-neutral data centers
100% CO2-neutral

As pioneers in the industry, we are committed to a sustainable future. Our data centers are powered by renewable energy and we are actively offsetting our carbon footprint.

By using energy-efficient hardware and advanced cooling technologies, we minimize our energy consumption. This allows us to offer you a reliable IT infrastructure while protecting the environment.

Choose us as your IT partner and help reduce CO2 emissions without sacrificing performance.

100% recyclable hardware
100% CO2-neutral

As pioneers in the technology sector, we are committed to sustainable change. Our internal systems and workstations are based on 100% recyclable hardware, which allows us to extend the life cycle of electronic products and minimize electronic waste.

By using such environmentally friendly devices and integrating sustainable practices into our operations, we are sending a strong signal for environmental protection.

With MDSYSTEC as your IT partner, you benefit from cutting-edge technology while knowing that sustainability is also important behind the scenes. Together, we are making the future of IT greener and more responsible.

Subsidy for service bikes or public transport
Subsidies for public service providers or public transport

We focus on sustainable mobility solutions for our employees. By subsidizing company bikes and public transport tickets, we actively promote environmentally friendly means of transport.

This is not only to protect our environment, but also to increase team wellbeing. With such initiatives, we are helping to relieve urban traffic while creating a healthy working environment.

100% CO2-neutral electricity
100% CO2-neutral electricity

We are proud to do our part to protect the climate by using 100% CO2-neutral electricity. This means that every kilowatt hour we consume comes from renewable sources and leaves no carbon footprint.

Through this commitment, we are actively reducing our environmental footprint and setting an example for a more sustainable, greener future. It is not just a choice, but our responsibility to the planet and future generations.

Work remotely and avoid unnecessary travel
Work remotely and avoid unnecessary travel

By promoting remote work and using digital communication tools, we not only minimize our CO2 footprint, but also offer our employees flexibility and work-life balance.

This approach reduces the need for physical meetings and business trips, saves resources and protects the environment. It is our contribution to a more sustainable working environment and a more conscious approach to our planet.

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08725/964 91-0
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Would you like to know how we improve your systems? Book a digital appointment with an MDSYSTEC IT expert.

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Would you like to send us important information? Feel free to send us an email. We are looking forward to your message.